Sandra Vivier, the head of the Indonesian Institute of Francais Indonesia’s Surabaya branch, visited Hasanuddin University (UNHAS). The goal of her visit was to explore the various opportunities that UNHAS can provide for collaboration.

During her visit, Sandra met with UNHAS’ international office officials on July 7, 2023. The delegation included the IFI’s director, as well as two of its staff members from Alliance Francaise Makassar. The UNHAS delegation included Dr. Andi Masyitha Irwan, the head of the international office, and Dr. Ansariadi, the director of partnerships.

The purpose of Sandra’s visit to UNHAS was to strengthen the organization’s collaboration with IFI. She noted that the two organizations have been working together for a long time, with UNHAS establishing Warung France and the implementation of the Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) and Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF) exams. In addition, they have also carried out various cultural and academic activities together.

According to Ansariadi, the partnership between UNHAS and IFI has been running smoothly, and both parties are satisfied with the outcome. UNHAS would like to thank the Embassy of France for its support, and the two organizations can work together to improve cooperation.

Upon leaving the meeting, the delegation members went to UNHAS’ Central Library to visit Warung France. IFI is ready to help with the development of the online French Shop, which could become a learning tool for students.

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