Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), through the Faculty of Medicine (FK)), organized a guest lecture entitled “Emerging Viruses at The Human-Animal Interface”. FK UNHAS invited Jurre Y. Siegers, Ph.D., a post-doctoral researcher from Pasteur Institute Cambodia. It was conducted at the FK, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, on Thursday, March 30, 2023.

This activity was attended by the academic community of FK UNHAS, including faculty leaders, SP1 residents of Clinical Microbiology, master students of Biomedicine with a concentration in microbiology, researchers, and doctoral students. Siegers generally discussed the importance of virus surveillance in animals to prevent new pandemics.

After exploring why surveillance is critically essential and the issues and challenges it poses, Siegers discussed the existing surveillance systems worldwide. The presentations explored the current state of surveillance efforts for zoonotic diseases, including identifying gaps in their effectiveness and challenges to improving them. The lecture addressed several existing international surveillance systems around the world that can be implemented in Indonesia.

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