The webinar regarding the collaboration and scholarship opportunities the Vice-Rector held Saudi Arabian Universities for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Business of Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) on Monday, April 10, 2023. The Director of Partnership, the host of the webinar, Dr. Ansariadi, officially opened the webinar. The academic staff from various study programs, including the Department of Mining and Geology of Engineering Faculty (FT) and the Department of Arabic Literature of Cultural Sciences Faculty (FIB), attended this event. In addition, this webinar was presented by Dr. Badrus Sholeh, Indonesian Education and Culture Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

In his presentation, Dr. Soleh described the potential of collaboration with Saudi Arabian universities. In the world university ranking, some Saudi Arabian universities range from 100 to 1000. For example, King Abdulaziz is at 106, and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ranks at 160. In the Middle East, there are five universities of Saudi Arabia in the top 50 universities, and King Abdulaziz University is in the first place. Dr. Soleh continued his presentation with the opportunity for UNHAS students wishing to do their apprenticeship in Indonesian schools existing in Saudi Arabia. These schools offer a level of education from kindergarten to high school funded by our Ministry of Education and Culture.

Before the closing, Dr. Ansariadi invited Muhammad Ridwan, M.A, the Secretary of the International Office and Faculty member of the Department of Arabic Literature, FIB, as well as Haeruddin, M.A., the Head of the Department of Arabic Literature, to share their participation in the Daurah Shaifiyyah (Summer Course) focusing on Teaching Arabic for Non Arab Speakers at Umm al Qura University in downtown the Holy City Mecca several years ago. With their experience, Attache was aware that UNHAS had already established a program with Saudi Arabian universities.

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