On June 15, 23, and 29 of 2023, two students from Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), namely Andi Nur Rizqi Syam and Muhammad Rayan Zaira, were selected as Student Ambassadors for the Sociovation Forum, a program of SUSS. The program is a fully-funded initiative that aims to provide social services to the Indonesian community. Through the program, the youth from member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was tasked with creating and implementing projects that would help address the issue of internet misuse. Despite the project’s success, Andi Nur Rizqi Syam was still able to interact with and learn from other young people from the region.

The project was carried out by Nur Rizqi’s group, which was focused on educating the senior citizens of Singapore about fake news. They also partnered with a local community group known as Lion Befrienders. Through a variety of activities, the group was able to recognize and prevent fake news. Rayan’s group tackled the issue of hate speech towards teenagers and children. In collaboration with a local organization in Singapore, they created a fun activity known as Soul Vortex, which encouraged teenagers to develop their self-esteem and confidence.


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