The Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (JFS) is an instrument for the funding of bi-regional research and innovation projects. The funding for the projects is provided by funding agencies or ministries at national, regional or local level from Southeast Asia and Europe. Each country funds “their own researchers” according to their own rules and in principle there is “no money crossing borders”.

On a regular basis Joint Calls for Proposals are being launched in changing thematic areas which are of interest to the participating funders. A typical project funded under the JFS would last for 3 years and usually costs such as personnel, (small) equipment, consumables, travel and workshops are eligible. Yet, this can vary from funder to funder since the national rules apply.

The central management of the JFS is operated by the European Commission’s Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation. Recently, JFS call for two proposal—Innovation and Science & Technology (read this information below).


4th Joint Call for Proposals (Innovation) in the Thematic Areas of Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR]) and Smart Cities.

Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR]) or Smart Cities to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2019 Innovation call aims to support projects with a strong application focus and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should at least be 3.

Deadline: 18 November 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time

Further information, kindly visit 2019 Innovation Joint Call for Proposals: Infectious Diseases (incl. AMR) and Smart Cities


3rd Joint Call for Proposals (Science and Technology [S&T]) in the Thematic Areas of Integrated Water Resource Management and Nanotechnologies.

Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Integrated Water Resource Management or Nanotechnology to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2019 S&T call aims to support projects which are close to basic research and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should not be higher than 4.

Deadline: 18 October 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Further information, kindly visit 2019 S&T Joint Call for Proposals: Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and Nanotechnologies