The Mandarin Language Center UNHAS held an event called 哈大孔院国际中文日活动 (hādà kǒngyuàn guójì zhōngwénrì huódòng ) or World Mandarin Day Commemoration by the Mandarin Language Center Hasanuddin University (UNHAS). This event was filled with a series of events, namely the opening by the Master of Ceremony, Li Yuanmei (a foreign lecturer from Nanchang University), followed by an explanation of the history behind the anniversary of Mandarin. Since 2010, the United Nations has determined that April 20 was World Mandarin Day. According to its history, on April 20, there was heavy rain in China, and at that time, Confucius got the inspiration to make the first Chinese characters. This activity was attended by Mandarin Language and Chinese Culture students and the Indonesian Director of the UNHAS Mandarin Language Center, Dr. Ria Jubhari.

This event was then filled with singing together using Chinese songs. Several students participated in this activity. The first song was sung by a 2019 Mandarin and Chinese Culture Study Program (BKMT) student named Dea, with a song called 爱,存在 (Love, Exists), a song belonging to the famous drama called Meteor Garden. Moreover, the event was interspersed with modern dances from the 2020 BMKT Student Reyhan. In addition, one of the foreign Mandarin lecturers, Prof. Wan Wenbin, and several BMKT 2021 students sang a pretty famous song, 童话 (Fairy Tale). At the end of the event, all participants sang together with the song 月亮代表我的心 (The Moon symbolizes My Heart). All participants who attended this activity received several prizes: Chinese chains, hand sanitisers, mirrors, Chinese knitting tools, etc.

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