The Faculty of Law of Hasanuddin University (FH-Unhas) held a Public Discussion with the theme “The Role of the Academic Community and CSO Human Rights Defenders in Guarding Human Rights Court of Paniai Case” by inviting a speaker from a world-renowned university, Stanford University, Professor David Cohen (familiarly called Prof. Cohen), on Tuesday, October 26, 2022. This discussion was conducted in the Doctoral Promotion Room of the Faculty of Law, Unhas, which was attended by undergraduate and postgraduate law students.

Dean of the Faculty of Law Unhas, Prof. Dr. Hamzah Halim, S.H., M.H., M.A.P. in his remarks he welcomed and felt honored with Prof. Cohen’s willingness to give a public lecture at Unhas. Prof. Cohen is an International Human Rights Law Expert who also serves as Founding Director of the Center for Human Rights and International Justice Studies at Stanford University, United States. On this occasion, Prof. Hamzah hoped that this activity would be a good start for cooperation with Stanford University in the field of education and human resource development.

Prof. Cohen in his general lecture explained that in judging cases of gross human rights violations, especially related to crimes against humanity, judges must first identify whether the act meets the contextual elements of crimes against humanity itself to prove that an act of crimes against humanity has been committed. The contextual elements are systematic, widespread, and attacks directed against civilian populations. If one of the elements is not met, then an act cannot be designated as a Crime Against Humanity.

In closing, Prof. Cohen said that the academic community, especially students, have the opportunity to gain legal understanding and skills that will be carried regardless of any role in the future. Prof. Dr. Iin Karita Sakharina, S.H., M.A. as the moderator also added that by holding this public discussion, it is hoped that it can strengthen the role of all parties in overseeing the trial process of the Paniai Human Rights Court, especially the academic community in order to break the chain of impunity and restore the rights of victims.

This public discussion was moderated directly by the Vice Dean for Planning, Resources and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Iin Karita Sakharina, S.H., M.A. because she also happens to be one of the lecturers in the field of human rights with expertise in international human rights.

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

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