On October 7, 2022, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) Faculty of Nursing lecturer, Andi Masyitha Irwan, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., PhD, who is also the Head of the Unhas International Office, gave a guest lecture at the National College of Nursing, Japan (NCNJ) entitled “Current Practice and Future Strategies of Gerontic Nursing in Indonesia” in front of 50 NCNJ students and lecturers who attended directly at the NCNJ auditorium or through online mode.

The Faculty of Nursing Unhas and NCNJ have been collaborating for the last few years in the form of training in caring for the elderly for nurses in hospitals and training for nursing lecturers related to the use of visual aids in providing elderly nursing practicum. In her lecture, Andi Masyitha Irwan explained the condition of the elderly in Indonesia, the current practice of elderly nursing services and some strategic steps that nurses in Indonesia need to improve the quality of health services for the elderly in Indonesia, which the number of elderly has now reached 10% of the total population in Indonesia.

In addition to giving lectures, Andi Masyitha Irwan also visited a joint cooperation meeting with the Faculty of Nursing, which in this case was represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing Unhas, Dr Ariyanti Saleh, SKp., M.Kes and Vice-Dean 1 of the Faculty of Nursing Unhas for Academic and Student Affairs, Syahrul, S.Kep. Ns., M.Kes. PhD.

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