NUNI Student Camp, which was attended by 54 students from 16 universities, is a series of NUNI Presidential Forum and Annual Meeting activities at Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW), Salatiga. This NUNI Student Camp raised the theme “Help in Kindness to Bear Your Burden for the Welfare of Many Creatures”. NUNI Student Camp participants take part in various activities including visits, discussions, collaborations and also project presentations covering 8 fields, namely Government, Religion, Social Community, Security, Education, Politics, Economy and Law.

Unhas sent 3 students to participate in this year’s NUNI Student Camp activities and chose different fields of project work, Muhammad Rayhan Zaira (Faculty of Engineering 2020) chose the Social Community field, Fiorella Badzli Irhen Lie (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2020) participated in the Economic field and Farid Mujahidin (Faculty of Medicine 2020) in the Education field.

In the Social Community field, Rayhan had the opportunity to deepen his knowledge in the field of social research, democracy and social justice through the independent organization PERCIK. In other fields, Fiorella (Economics) visited Argotelo Cassava Village, a paradise for food made from cassava, to learn about the local economic ecosystem in Salatiga, which has a large portion of the tourism and culinary fields.

Then, Farid in the field of Education had the opportunity to explore the Qaryah Thayyibah Learning Community which is an alternative school that adopts the concept of community-based schooling. The NUNI Student Camp challenged Farid and his colleagues from other universities to identify education problems in Indonesia. As a result, they managed to draft an alternative education program, PINTAR (Phinisi Star). The program was developed and planned to be implemented in Lappa Village, Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi. The PINTAR program is expected to be able to alleviate problems in the field of character education, learning children’s creativity, self-recognition skills, children’s academic learning, and also learning children’s social life based on maritime cultural values. The PINTAR program is also expected to initiate the establishment of other alternative learning facilities in all regions of Indonesia.

During the 3 days, they spent time participating in various activities in each of their fields. They also met and collaborated with 51 students from universities that are members of NUNI, such as Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Bina Nusantara University, Hasanuddin University, Islamic University of Indonesia, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Atma Jaya Indonesian Catholic University, Parahyangan Catholic University, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Maranatha Christian University, Petra Christian University, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, Padjajaran University, Sanata Dharma University, North Sumatra University, Surabaya University, and UKSW.

NUNI Student Camp is expected to foster awareness of the era of collaboration where synergy from various sectors/fields is needed in building a nation and civilization.

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