Vice-Rector for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business of the Hasanuddin University (Unhas), Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, S.T., M.Phil., visited Kanazawa University for the purpose of joint discussions related to the continual implementation of the collaboration agreement between the two parties as well as the expansion of double degree collaboration for the master’s program.

The Vice President of Kanazawa University (Prof. Megumi Shimura) hosted the delegation from Unhas on Tuesday (11/10) at Kanazawa University, Japan.

The delegation sent by Unhas included the Head of the Unhas International Affairs Office (Andi Masyitha Irwan, S.Kep., Ners., M.Kep., Ph.D), Dean of Nursing Unhas (Dr. Ariyanti Saleh, S.Kep., M.Si) together with the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of Nursing Faculty (Syahrul Said, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., Ph.D).

Prof. Adi explained, Unhas and Kanazawa University have been in partnership for a long time since 2017 in the area of development of the tri dharma of higher education. Various collaborations, such as research collaboration, guest lectures and student exchange programs, have been carried out.

Besides conducting joint evaluations related to various academic activities that have been carried out, this visit also aims to discuss together the sustainability of the implementation of the MoU between the two parties.

“This is the fifth year of the Unhas and Kanazawa cooperation agreement, so we are holding a meeting to discuss the sustainability of this collaboration and the possibility for our collaboration to be expanded to a double degree program for the master’s level,” explained Prof. Adi.

After discussing several essential agendas, the delegates then visited several learning infrastructure facilities available at Kanazawa University, Japan as evaluation material for increasing Unhas learning capacity.

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