Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University (FT-Unhas) held a guest lecture entitled “Program of WCU with University QS 100.” FT Unhas presented a guest speaker, Prof. Farookh Husain, from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (QS 68 by subject). Prof. Farookh Husain gave a public lecture entitled “Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and IOT in Real Application,” which took place at CSA Lecture Theater 1, Gowa Campus, on Wednesday (November 02, 2022).

In addition, Prof. Farookh Husain was also invited to tour the Faculty of Engineering, Gowa Campus. With the presence of a speaker from a QS 100-ranked campus, Hasanuddin University can be motivated to improve quality so that it can become a campus that hopefully can later enter the QS 100 ranking. Moreover, this public lecture is also expected to stimulate cooperation in both learning and research, for example, through joint research or student or lecturer/staff exchanges.

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

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