Faculty of Medicine of Hasanuddin University (FK-Unhas) held a student exchange program with Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam. One of the activities, Inbound students with the “Minor Global Health” program. The coordinator of this exchange program who is also the Deputy Dean for Publication, Service and International Affairs of FK Unhas, Dr. dr. Rina Masadah, Sp.PA (K), M. Phil, DFM in her statement, said this activity was followed by 5 (five) Erasmus Medical Center students conducting various activities at FK Unhas, including hospitals, Puskesmas FK Unhas partners, for 2 months (17 September-27 October).

Dr. Rina explained, this inbound activity included observation and field studies at a number of hospitals in South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, including Unhas Hospital, Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Daya Hospital, Polewali Mandar General Hospital and Tajuddin Chalid Hospital, Cerebellum Clinic, and a number of health centers and integrated service posts in Makassar City.

“This program is beneficial for both parties to improve their knowledge and skills. We hope this cooperation will continue in the coming year,” said Dr. Rina.

The cooperation program that has been established since 2019 also involves FK Unhas lecturers and students who enthusiastically participate in all inbound activities.

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.


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