Faculty of Pharmacy conducted the very first International Summer Course. The Summer course was established for 5 days in Makassar and Malino from 16 November to 21 November 2022. During the program, participants listened to presentation on different topics, including Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Nature, How to make traditional herbal drink, A glimpse of Pharmaceutical Practices in Indonesian Health Care System, The use of Drosophila melanogaster as experimental animals for drug discoveries, and Rodent Animal Models in Pharmacological and Toxicological Studies. The last 2 days (19 and 20 November 2022), participants got a chance to visit Malino highland, a well-known tourism spot in South Sulawesi.

“After 5 days of learning ang having fun together, finally the First International Summer Course held by the Faculty of Pharmacy has come to an end. Thank you so much for all the organising committee and of course our LO students, for putting up a lot of effort to make sure this program is memorable. Also thank you to Dr. Lutz Vogel for sharing your knowledge and experience. Last but not least, thank you IO of Unhas (International Office) for the endless supports. It was so exciting to see how the program have built a strong connection and possibly life-long friendship among the students involved.” said Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Marianti A. Manggau, Apt.

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