The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), through the editorial team of the Media
Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (MKMI) Journal led by Dr. Ida Leida, SKM., MKM., M.Sc.PH, as Editor in chief and
the Rector of UNHAS, Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa (Prof. JJ) submitted the journal for Scopus indexing. The submission
ceremony was conducted in the Rector’s room on Tuesday, 24th January 2023.


At the start of the activity, Dr. Ida Leida explained the long journey of the MKMI journal and the preparation process
to be indexed by Scopus. She said MKMI has existed since June 1999 and became the first journal under

“After going through a long process, it changed its name to MKMI journal and obtained an ISSN from LIPI in 2004-
2015. In addition, it obtained national accreditation from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Thank you for the
support and assistance provided by the Publication Management Center (PMC) and UNHAS leaders for developing
the MKMI journal,” Dr. Ida Leida said.

The Rector of UNHAS, Prof. JJ, took the occasion to express his appreciation for the efforts of the MKMI Journal
editorial team, who have kept on improving the processes needed for submitting to become a Scopus-indexed
journal. He said this was definitely not easy, but the journal submission process was running very well, thanks to
good collaboration.


“Currently, we are not focusing on the number of journals, but on their quality instead. UNHAS is trying to fix this on
an ongoing basis through PMC assistance. We hope that in the future, the quality of UNHAS journals will be better
and become one of the academic information media for UNHAS academics in particular and the broader
community in general”, said Prof. JJ.

In general, MKMI Journal is a publication that has the potential to become Scopus-indexed. So far, MKMI Journal
has always been able to maintain quality standards and has been accredited by the Indonesian Journal Indexation
system with a grade of Science and Technology Index 2 (Sinta-2).

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