As one of the strategic steps to increase the capacity of 16 student volunteer members, the International Office (KUI) of Hasanuddin University held a workshop entitled “Capacity Building for Student Volunteers”. This workshop took place at Unhas Hotel and Convention for 2 days, October 22-23, 2022.

This activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Business (Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, ST., M.Phil). In his remarks, Prof. Adi expressed his gratitude to the speakers who were present to share knowledge and knowledge, and also to all the talented student volunteers. He said that Unhas continues to encourage efforts to increase the capacity of insight, skills, and knowledge for students, especially student volunteers who have been very helpful for the university.

For 2 days, student volunteers received several topics of material from different speakers; 1) How to be an Effective Volunteer; 2) Basic Hospitality and Hospitality Management; 3) Leadership and Team Management; and 4) Public Speaking Seminar, In addition to listening to the lectures from the speakers, they also did group work and projects from each material.

The whole series of material presentations went smoothly. All the student volunteers were present during the 2 days, and they actively engaged in every activity provided by the speakers.

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

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