China-Indonesia Collaboration: Marine Ranching Demonstration Project. Technical Cooperation and Exchange on Marine Ecological Pasture in the Coastal Areas of China and Indonesia was held on Thursday, August 15th, 2024. The event was conducted in a hybrid format across three locations: Hasanuddin University (Meeting Room of the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (FIKP), Guangdong Ocean University, and Shanghai Ocean University. Present at the event were Vice-Rector IV of Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Prof. Adi Maulana, Dean of the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Prof. Safruddin, Vice Dean III of FIKP, Prof. Ahmad Faizal, Vice Dean III of FIKP, Prof. Abdul Haris, Prof. Andi Niartiningsih, along with faculty members and students of Marine Sciences at FIKP UNHAS.

The event began with a welcoming speech from the Vice-Rector IV of UNHAS. In his remarks, Prof. Adi Maulana expressed his gratitude to Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) and Guangdong Ocean University (GOU) for their cooperation in the field of marine and fisheries technology. The established collaboration is expected to have a significant positive impact, not only in terms of university partnerships but also on a broader scale between the two countries, Indonesia and China. SHOU and GOU are currently focusing on marine biodiversity conservation activities and have selected UNHAS as a partner in the implementation of this project. The conservation project involves the creation of artificial reefs and sea ranching, which will be placed on several islands in the Spermonde Archipelago, Makassar Strait. At the end of his speech, Prof. Adi also expressed his gratitude to both partner universities for involving UNHAS in the commemoration of National Ecology Day in China.

The event continued with remarks from the Dean of FIKP, UNHAS. Prof. Safruddin stated that since the signing of the MoU between GOU, SHOU, and UNHAS, many benefits have been gained by both UNHAS and its partners. Several FIKP UNHAS alumni have received scholarships to pursue master’s degrees at SHOU, participated in Summer School programs, and engaged in research collaborations. The event also featured a discussion session that began with a presentation on the design of Artificial Reefs and Sea Ranching by Dr. Syafyudin Yusuf, a Marine Science lecturer specializing in coral reef research. Dr. Syafyudin Yusuf presented several forms of Artificial Reefs that have been widely used in waters to improve ecosystem conditions.

During the 30-minute discussion, several participants raised questions regarding the effectiveness of the design and materials used in constructing the Artificial Reefs. Other questions related to the safety of the materials, ensuring they do not adversely affect the waters due to pollution. The discussion concluded with the consensus that all designs and materials used in building the Artificial Reefs and Sea Ranching must undergo monitoring and evaluation to ensure their effectiveness and safety. The event ended with a visit to the FIKP UNHAS garden to view examples of the Artificial Reef designs on display.

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