The Physiotherapy Study Program, Faculty of Nursing (FKep), Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) recently held a webinar on “Innovative Physiotherapy Techniques for Fall Prevention and Rehabilitation in Older People with Neurological Disorders.” The webinar took place on August 6th, 2024 at 12:30-16:30 Central Indonesia Time and featured three speakers who are faculty members, scientists, and clinical physiotherapists from different countries and time zones, namely: A/Prof Michele Callisaya, BAppSci (Physio), PhD from Monash University (Australia), Prof Dr. Djohan Aras, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes from UNHAS (Indonesia), and Dr. Rosie Morris BSc, MSc, PhD from Newcastle University (UK). The webinar was attended not only by students but also by physiotherapy clinicians and academic members in the healthcare field, with an estimated 280 participants. The aim of this webinar was to fulfill the accreditation assessment on standard 5, specifically on the curriculum, especially on the accreditation assessment instrument regarding creating a conducive academic atmosphere. Additionally, the webinar was expected to update the knowledge of students, clinicians, faculty members, and academic community on the science and skills of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in the current work and educational environment, especially in the fields of geriatrics, neurology, and exercise therapy.

The Physiotherapy Study Program, Faculty of Nursing (FKep), Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) recently held a webinar on “Innovative Physiotherapy Techniques for Fall Prevention and Rehabilitation in Older People with Neurological Disorders.” The webinar took place on August 6th, 2024 at 12:30-16:30 Central Indonesia Time and featured three speakers who are faculty members, scientists, and clinical physiotherapists from different countries and time zones, namely: A/Prof Michele Callisaya, BAppSci (Physio), PhD from Monash University (Australia), Prof Dr. Djohan Aras, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes from UNHAS (Indonesia), and Dr. Rosie Morris BSc, MSc, PhD from Newcastle University (UK). The webinar was attended not only by students but also by physiotherapy clinicians and academic members in the healthcare field, with an estimated 280 participants. The aim of this webinar was to fulfill the accreditation assessment on standard 5, specifically on the curriculum, especially on the accreditation assessment instrument regarding creating a conducive academic atmosphere. Additionally, the webinar was expected to update the knowledge of students, clinicians, faculty members, and academic community on the science and skills of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in the current work and educational environment, especially in the fields of geriatrics, neurology, and exercise therapy.

This event was moderated by one of the Physiotherapy lecturers, Yusfina, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes. At the end of each session, each speaker was presented with a certificate by the Head of the Physiotherapy Study Program and the secretary of the Physiotherapy Study Program as an appreciation, which was warmly and enthusiastically received by the speakers. At the end of the event, several participants left messages and impressions in the comment section regarding this webinar activity. They were very impressed with the presentations of the three speakers, which were truly scientific and highly beneficial for them in the future. Some of the participants also greatly appreciated the organizers who successfully held the webinar by bringing together three scientists in the field of physiotherapy from three different countries and even different time zones. They hope that activities like this can be held more frequently by the Physiotherapy Study Program at UNHAS.

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