Universitas Hasanuddin establishes its existence as an international standard university, indicated by the increasing number of internationally accredited study programs.

Latest news, Unhas again received the results of accreditation from a very credible and prestigious institution called Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN, which is a European Accreditation Institution based in Germany for Engineering, Informatics / Computer, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics.

The accreditation was given to the following 4 study programs at Unhas:

– Study Program of Pharmacy

– Study Program of Nursing

– Study Program of Aquaculture

– Study Program of Food Science and Technology

Previously, the four study programs had been visited by Assessors of ASIIN in February 2019.  The ASIIN Assessors were:

  1. Prof. Dr. Gert Fricker (Heidelberg University),
  2. Prof. Dr. Phillipp Eschenbeck (University of Applied Sciences Bochum),
  3. Prof. Steve Strupeit (University of Education Schwabisch Gmund),
  4. Prof. Dr. Harry Palm (University Rostock),
  5. Prof. Dr. Siegfried (University of Applied Science Neubrandenburg),
  6. Dr. Frank Peter Ritter (Bayer AG),
  7. Prof Dr. Ing Oliver Schluter (Leibniz-Institut fur Agrartechnik und Biookonomie),
  8. Dr. Christin Habermann (Representatives of ASIIN Secretariat),
  9. Mr. Arnold Rainer (Representatives of ASIIN Secretariat).

Director of Communication of Unhas, Suharman Hamzah, Ph.D. mentioned that the achievement is a crucial step for Unhas. ASIIN is known to have very strict criteria and standards.

“It is not easy to get quality recognition from ASIIN. After sending the accreditation document, the assessors came to visit. After that, the assessors send notes of improvements that must be made by the study programs. So this requires intensive work from the ASIIN task forces in each study program.” said Suharman.

Each ASIIN task forces in the study programs have shown commitment and sincerity in completing the ASIIN criteria. Therefore, the result is quite satisfied.

“Especially for Nursing Study Program, this accreditation also includes recognition of the nurse profession program. We congratulate faculty leaders and study programs for this achievement,” said Suharman.

With this accomplishment, 23 study programs at Unhas have successfully met various criteria and standards of international accreditation. Three institutions that provide recognition for these study programs are AUN-QA, ABEST-21, and ASIIN.

“All 15 faculties at Unhas at least have 1 internationally accredited study program for each. This implies that quality of learning in Unhas works equal and balanced” said Suharman.(*)