Hasanuddin University Graduate School held a Public Lecture with the topic “Training and Education in System in Germany Compared in Indonesia”. The activity took place in a hybrid (offline and online) manner at the Prof. Dr. Ir. Fachrudin Hall and Zoom meeting platform on Monday (11/15). This public lecture featured a speaker, Dr.rer.biol.hum. Lutz Vogel (Chief Pharmaciest Central Pharmacy for the district hospital of Esslingen, President of the Union Hospital Pharmacist in Germany), discussing the education system to become health workers in hospitals in Germany.

The activity was officially opened by the Dean of the Unhas Postgraduate School, Prof. Dr. Budu, Ph.D., Sp. M., (K)., M.Med.Ed, which was hosted by Muhammad Akbar Walenna, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., as moderator. After the opening, the event continued with the presentation of material by the guest lecturer. Lutz explained the process of graduatiion as a health worker in Germany, which must first carry out an exam and a year of practice. He revealed that most students in Germany carry out education for five years to be a health worker.

Lutz said that midwives in Germany practice directly in hospitals just like in Indonesia. Midwives in Germany are covered by insurance and are also given shuttle facilities to the hospital. The number of people interested in this field has increased from year to year. Furthermore, Lutz explained that nursing students who complete their education, later after getting a diploma do not need to declare a nursing diploma for nursing students, because the educational strata in Germany do not have a Bachelor and Master. To get complete information regarding the presentation, please visit the following link https://bit.ly/trainingNeducation-Jerman.


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