The Faculty of Dentistry of Hasanuddin University (FKG-Unhas) went to the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Malaya (UM) in Malaysia on Monday (07/11) to discuss collaboration with partner universities abroad. The FKG-Unhas delegation was led directly by the Dean of FKG-Unhas, Prof. Dr. Edy Machmud, drg., Sp.Pros (K). The delegation also includes the Chairperson of the International Class Management of FKG-Unhas (Acing Habibie Mude, drg., PhD., Sp.Pros (K), and head of study program for master degree FKG-Unhas (Fuad Husain, drg., MARS., PhD).

On this occasion, the Unhas FKG group was welcomed by the Dean (Prof. Dr. Zamri Radzi) and other leaders of the University of Malaya. Dean of FKG-Unhas, Prof. Edy, said that this visit aimed to discuss the continuity of the MoU of cooperation with the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Malaysia. During this visit, the two parties agreed to enhance several things, including outbound and inbound student activities for both parties, guest lecturer activities, and increased research and service cooperation.

In addition to the cooperation implementation plan, the dental education systems in both countries were discussed. Both parties give and get information about the educational and health systems in their own countries. “FKG-Unhas is very open to receiving visits from the University of Malaya for inbound and outbound student activities, service and research cooperation, and other activities that will certainly be very beneficial for both parties,” explained Prof. Edy.

The Dean of FKG-UM, Prof. Zamri Radzi, in his remarks, highly appreciated and welcomed the visit of the group from FKG-Unhas and in the near future will implement cooperation in accordance with the MoU that was previously signed. Meanwhile, Prof. Muhammad Ruslin, drg., M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.BM(K), the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, who was also present online, expressed his appreciation for this activity.

He explained that being acquainted with each other’s academic systems and health regulations can make it easier to plan further cooperation. “The University of Malaya, as the top university in Malaysia, is a strategic partner in the Southeast Asia region and has the potential for further cooperation for mutual benefit,” said Prof. Ruslin.

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