The International Class Program of the Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University (FKG-Unhas) held a sit-in program abroad, specifically at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia, on Monday (07/11).

Dean of FKG Unhas, Prof. Dr. Edy Machmud, drg., Sp.Pros (K), explained that the FKG Unhas International Class Program has been running for 3 (three) years, and currently, under the academic calendar, students will gain global experience related to education and services in the field of oral health abroad.

Prof. Edy said, “This year, FKG Unhas is working with partners from other countries, like the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Malaysia.”

Meanwhile, the chairperson of the FKG Unhas International Class Program, (Acing Habibie Mude, drg., Ph.D., Sp.Pros (K).), said that the number of students who will take part in this activity is 20 and they will be dispatched in batches in accordance with immigration regulations from the Malaysian government.

Furthermore, drg. Acing added that students who take part in this sit-in program will be at UKM for 3 (three) weeks and do their activities under the supervision of professors and lecturers from the faculty.

On the same occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuti Ningseh Mohd. Dom, said in her speech that shewelcomes this activity and will follow up on collaborative activities with FKG-Unhas.

The parties who attended this meeting were Fuad Husain Akbar, drg., MARS., Ph.D. (a supervising lecturer from FKG-Unhas), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurul Asyikin Yahya (Vice Dean for Industry), Dr. Farinawati Yazid (International Cooperation Coordinator), and batch 1 FKG-Unhas students (Sidra Nurul Shadrina, Nurul Salsabila, Yizrielsa Tappi, and Izza Aulia Islami).

Upon discussing the technical details of the sit-in program, the meeting was concluded with a group photo.

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