Hasanuddin University (Unhas) and the University of Rhode Island (URI) discussed the potential for expanding partnerships in the Tridharma of higher education (education, research, and community service). The discussion was held during the visit of the URI delegation led by Dr. Kristin Johnson to Hasanuddin University. It started at 10 a.m. CIT in the 8th Floor Rector’s Room, Rectorate Building, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, on Thursday (November 03, 2022).

The meeting was attended by the Vice-Rector for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Business (Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, S.T., M.Phil), Director of Partnership (Ansariadi, SKM, MScPH, Ph.D), Head of the International Office (Andi Masytha Irwan, S.Kep., Ns., Ph.D), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Vocational Studies (Dr. Ida Leida Maria, SKM, M.KM), and other Unhas leaders. The representatives of URI included Dr. John Kirby, Brook Williams Rose, and Elvira Natliya.

On this occasion, Prof. Adi Maulana expressed his warm greetings to the URI group. He said that URI is one of the partners that has been cooperating with Unhas for quite a long time. According to him, it is necessary to expand the partnership in terms of student exchange and research. Unhas as a university has duties and responsibilities in providing and improving quality human resources.

Representing URI, Dr. Kristin Johnson explained about Rhode Island’s relationship with Indonesia, especially Makassar, which has been established for a long time. With this relationship, URI has the responsibility to be involved in encouraging the improvement of the quality of Unhas resources through various collaborative activities.

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

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