The International Office of Hasanuddin University, (KUI Unhas) hosted a benchmarking visit from the International Office of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (KUI UNG). The KUI UNG delegation was warmly welcomed by the leadership of Hasanuddin University, including Prof. Adi Maulana (Vice-Rector for 4), Andi Masyitha Irwan, Ph.D. (Head of KUI Unhas), and Muhammad Ridwan, MA (Secretary of KUI). The KUI UNG meeting represented by 2 delegates was held in the Vice Rector’s Room 4, at 9.00 CIT on Thursday (November 03, 2022).

The activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector of Unhas, Prof. Adi Maulana. In his remarks, he welcomed the delegation of KUI UNG and thanked them for making Unhas the destination of their benchmarking agenda. Prof. Adi Maulana described the brief history and achievements of Unhas, especially in the field of 4 (Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Business) and also the internationalization of Unhas to reach World Class University (WCU).

On the same occasion, the Head and the Secretary of KUI shared their experiences in performing their duties in the Office of International Affairs. The KUI leaders explained the programs in the International Office that support the efforts to internationalize the campus. In addition, one of the focuses of discussion in this meeting was Unhas’ participation in one of the most prestigious Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka programs, IISMA (Indonesian International Mobility Award), where the presentation was carried out by one of the KUI Unhas staff, Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S., who for the last two years had been given the mandate to carry out the internal selection process of the program.

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

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