Hasanuddin University and Szeged University, Hungary agreed to cooperate in the field of tri-dharma development. The agreement was stated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Vice-Rector for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business (Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, S.T., M.Phil) and the Vice-Rector for Foreign Relations (Prof. Dr. Peter Zakar). The activity took place at Szeged University, Hungary, on Saturday (01/10).

Through an interview on Monday (03/10), the Vice-Rector for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business, Prof. Dr. eng. Adi Maulana, S.T., M.Phil., explained that Szeged University is the best university in Hungary and has some of the best faculties in Central Europe.

In general, Prof. Adi said that Unhas continues to build partnerships with various sectors, including reputable foreign universities. This is one of the strategic steps of Unhas in achieving WCU through the expansion of partnerships.

Furthermore, Prof. Adi said that partnerships with various parties were needed by Unhas to expand its benefits for the nation and state. By collaborating with foreign partners, the process of transforming knowledge and experience as well as research collaboration will have a great impact.

“There are several Unhas lecturers who are temporarily continuing their doctoral education there and also some lecturers who are temporarily visiting research. Szeged University opens full scholarship opportunities from the Hungarian government for doctoral degrees and for visiting research from Unhas. Hopefully, it can be used especially for student exchange programs, research collaboration and other internationalization activities,” explained Prof Adi.

On various occasions, Unhas continues to maximize collaboration with various partners nationally and globally. This is carried out with the intention that apart from expanding the network of partners, it is also hoped that it will have an impact on the quality and ranking of the WCU.

WCU is a means of self-evaluation to find out the position of Unhas in its work at the international level, where there are indicators to measure the quality and contribution of Unhas to the progress of world higher education. (*/mir)

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor : Supratman

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