Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) and Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC) agreed to cooperate in the sector of Marine and Fisheries. The agreement was stated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Rector of Unhas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc and Korean Director of MTCRC, Mr. Hansan Park.

The activity was conducted in Meeting Room A, 4th Floor of the Unhas Rectorate Building, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, Tuesday (02/08).

The event was also attended by the Indonesian Director of MTCRC, Ivonne M. Radjawane, Chair of the Korea-Indonesia MTCRC Supervisory Agency, Safri Burhanuddin, Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Head of the Unhas Secretariat Office, and other leaders of Unhas and MTCRC.

To begin with, Hansan Park in his speech said that Unhas is one of the leading universities in Indonesia, particularly in Eastern Indonesia. It has a very visibly high quality of education and teaching with a vastly credible curriculum, including superior R&D, especially in the maritime, marine and fishery fields.

“We know that the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Science (FIKP) is one of the faculties that have good facilities. It is equipped with worldwide quality teachers which have produced many qualified graduates and built growing networks both nationally and internationally. I am happy that these two institutions can establish a collaborative platform to develop programs related to maritime affairs,” Mr. Hansan Park explained.

Moreover, Mr. Hansan Park said MTCRC is an intergovernmental institution, a research centre focusing on the field of Marine Science and Technology, which has been operating under the collaboration of two countries, Indonesia and Korea, since 2018 through the Implementing Arrangement of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries Korea.

As an intergovernmental institution, in addition to playing a central role in maintaining good relations between the two countries, MTCRC also plays the role of facilitator of bilateral meetings such as the Ministerial Meeting between the coordinating minister for Maritime Affairs and the Korean Minister of Maritime Affairs, the Bilateral Maritime Dialogue, the Sustainability of the MoU in Maritime MOU, and so on. Since operating, MTCRC has been actively engaged in establishing collaboration with numerous parties.

“There are several sectors that will be developed through this MoU, covering the fields of Marine Science and Technology, Fisheries, and Remote Sensing Technology including Marine Satellites. Furthermore, I hope that this such collaboration can be sustained and run well because it can result in many benefits for wide parties, especially for maritime progress,” Mr. Hansan Park concluded.

On the same occasion, the Rector of Unhas, Prof. JJ expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the collaboration.  He said this is a significant momentum to further strengthen Indonesia’s maritime area, especially in Eastern Indonesia. Unhas is continuously committed to maintaining and optimizing Indonesia’s maritime potential in collaboration with various parties.

“The maritime sector is very crucial to be mutually counted. The sector of marine and fisheries, in general, is one of the triggers in escalating the community’s economy. Good and sustainable management is highly required so that maritime affairs can be optimized and bring an impact, not only for Indonesia and Korea but also for the world. For that, such relevant collaboration with various parties is really needed, ” Prof. JJ explained.

The combination of marine and fisheries technology and science supported by researchers from the Unhas with Korea, Bio-Diversity of Indonesia’s natural resources, and other facilities is an extraordinary international collaboration which is the potential to result in a positive impact on many parties.

In general, Korea-Indonesia MTCRC is a joint intergovernmental research centre focusing on Marine Science and Technology between Korea represented by KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology). The MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries) and Indonesia, represented by ITB and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment aim to strengthen and promote practical cooperation in marine science and technology between the two countries.

Marningsih Sadik, S.S. and Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor : Supratman

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