

The rector and vice rectors are pivotal leaders in university administration. The rector provides strategic direction, while vice rectors oversee specific areas like academics, research, and administration. Together, they ensure the university’s mission is fulfilled and academic standards are maintained.

Gedung Rektorat Unhas

Forging Futures, Honoring Heritage

The establishment of Hasanuddin University officially began in 1956. However, its roots trace back to the city of Makassar in 1947 when the Faculty of Economics, a branch of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta, was established by the decision of Lieutenant General Governor of the Dutch East Indies, Number 127 dated July 23, 1947. Due to prolonged uncertainty and chaos in Makassar and its surroundings, the faculty, led by Drs L.A. Enthoven (Director), was suspended. It was later reopened as a branch of the Faculty of Economics UI on October 7, 1953, under the leadership of Prof. Drs. G.H.M. Riekerk. The Faculty of Economics truly became the precursor of Hasanuddin University after being led by acting chairman Prof. Drs. Wolhoff and secretary Drs. Muhammad Baga from September 1, 1956, until the official establishment of Hasanuddin University on September 10, 1956.

Prof Muh Ruslin

Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc.

Prof Muh Ruslin

Prof. drg. Muhammad Ruslin, M.Kes., Ph.D,. Sp.BM(K)

Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs
Profil Pimpinan Universitas Hasanuddin

Prof. Subehan, S.Si., M.Pharm., Sc., Ph.D., Apt.

Vice Rector for Planning, Development and Finance ​
Profil Pimpinan Universitas Hasanuddin

Prof. Dr. Farida Patittingi, S.H., M.Hum.

Vice Rector for Human Resources, Alumni and Information Systems​
Profil Pimpinan Universitas Hasanuddin

Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, S.T., M.Phil.

Vice Rector for Partnerships, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business​
Profil Pimpinan Universitas Hasanuddin

Prof. Ir. Sumbangan Baja, M.Phill., Ph.D.

Secretary of Hasanuddin University ​

Empowering Visions, Transforming Futures


Hight Quality

Providing a high-quality learning environment to develop innovative and proactive learners.


Exploring Innovation

Preserving, advancing, discovering, and creating knowledge, technology, arts, and culture.

The Maritim Continent

Applying and disseminating knowledge, technology, arts, and culture for the benefit of the Indonesian Maritime Continent

Embracing Futures: A Welcome from the Chancellor

“We are dedicated to maintaining our position as the foremost university in Indonesia, endeavoring to shape the nation’s youth for a progressive, sovereign, and globally respected Indonesia. Through excellence in education, research, and community engagement, we aim to empower future leaders with the skills, knowledge, and values to navigate the challenges of tomorrow and contribute meaningfully to our nation’s prosperity and international standing.”


Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc.

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